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Arr! France be banishin' the sale o' fireworks afore Bastille Day, fer thar be riotous scallywags raisin' a ruckus 'gainst th' police!


Arrr, France be cuttin' off all the firework fun afore Bastille Day! They be banishin' the sale, carryin', transportin', and usin' o' pyrotechnic articles. They be promisin' to keep the French safe after the rowdy riots. Shiver me timbers, no more sparklin' explosions for ye!

The French government has decided to ban the sale of fireworks ahead of Bastille Day celebrations due to the ongoing anti-police riots across the country. The ban, which will be in effect until July 15, aims to prevent any disturbances to public order during the festivities. However, the prohibition does not apply to professionals with the necessary approvals or to public authorities organizing firework shows for Bastille Day. French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne has assured the public that the government will deploy significant resources to protect the French during the sensitive days of July 13 and 14, as there are concerns that National Day could lead to further riots.

The riots were sparked by the death of Nahel Merzouk, a 17-year-old of Algerian-Moroccan descent, who was shot by a motorcycle officer during a traffic stop in Nanterre, a Paris suburb. These riots, the worst in France since 2005, resulted in the arrest of over 3,700 people, including 1,160 minors. French President Emmanuel Macron has blamed social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat for encouraging acts of violence, with prosecutors claiming that young people acquired information on obtaining incendiary devices from these platforms.

The violence has caused significant damage, with over 800 law enforcement officers injured and estimated damages exceeding $1 billion. What initially began as urban violence in major cities spread to small communities across the country, including picturesque towns like Quissac and L'Aigle. The mayors of these towns expressed their concern about the increase in uncivil behavior and violence even in modest areas, making it challenging to find a solution.

In summary, the French government has banned firework sales in response to the ongoing riots and concerns over public safety during Bastille Day. The riots, triggered by the death of Nahel Merzouk, have caused significant damage and injuries to law enforcement officers. Social media platforms have been blamed for fueling the violence, and the unrest has spread beyond major cities to smaller communities.

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