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Avast, landlubber Rep Gallagher be castin' stones at Xi, claimin' he playeth God and condemnin' the infringement on religious liberties by the scurvy CCP!


Arrr, Rep. Mike Gallagher, the cap'n o' the House Select Committee on the CCP, be claimin' that Chinese President Xi Jinping be playin' the part o' God, as Beijing be crushin' religious freedoms. Methinks the scallywag Xi be thinkin' he be walkin' on water!

Rep. Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), expressed concern over China's increasing crackdown on religious freedoms during a roundtable discussion attended by religious leaders and those who have fled religious persecution in China. Gallagher accused Chinese President Xi Jinping of "playing the role of God" and highlighted the CCP's efforts to exert control over religious beliefs in China.

Gallagher pointed out that the CCP has allegedly begun replacing the 10 Commandments in Christian churches with dictatorial quotes from Xi, such as "Resolutely guard against the infiltration of Western ideology." Experts noted that religious oppression is just one of many oppressive techniques used by China to control its population, including human rights abuses against the Uyghurs and censorship through advancing technology.

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, argued that China has become more repressive over the years and suggested hitting China where it hurts the most – American consumerism. Other religious officials at the roundtable agreed and proposed building networks to keep communication open between religious groups in China and supporting a U.N. special hearing to examine religious oppression by the CCP. Sanctions and proposals to move industries Americans rely on out of China were also suggested.

Imam Hajim, a Muslim official, called for addressing the issue with Muslim nations and encouraging them to pressure China on human rights abuses. The religious leaders present also emphasized the importance of Western religious officials informing their followers about religious persecution in China and other countries.

Overall, the roundtable highlighted the need for action to counter China's religious oppression and hold the CCP accountable.

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