The Booty Report

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Arrr! A calamity befallin' the Polis' skydivin' nest! 5 brave souls be gone, 8 be injured!


Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! A Cessna 208 be crashin' into a hangar at a skydivin' center in Chrcynno, Poland. Five souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker, while eight be left hurtin' like a peg-legged parrot. Arrr, a tragic tale indeed!

Arr, me hearties! Five scallywags met their untimely end, while eight others were injured in a calamitous event on Monday. 'Twas a dreary day and a Cessna 208 plane crash-landed right into a hangar at a skydiving center, all due to the treacherous weather, so they say. The unfortunate souls who perished were the pilot himself and four poor souls who sought refuge from the stormy tempest in the safety of the hangar.
Avast, there be more! Eight other landlubbers were injured, two of 'em seriously, according to the lawkeepers. Even a wee child was among the wounded, bless his heart. This mishap occurred in Chrcynno, a place situated around 28 leagues northwest of Warsaw. The injured were whisked away to hospitals in the Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki area, thanks to the brave firefighters and their airborne ambulances.
But wait! There be more tales of woe from Poland, me hearties. 'Tis been reported that a bunch of cats have been struck with the bird flu! The World Health Organization be the ones spoutin' this news, so it must be true.
Rescuers be scourin' the hangar still, lookin' for any other poor souls who might've met their doom. The authorities, including the prosecutors and police, be investigatin' this disaster, tryin' to uncover the cause of it all. 'Tis indeed the worst skydivin' accident in Poland since 2014, when 11 souls were lost in another plane crash near the city of Czestochowa.
So there ye have it, me hearties. A tragic tale of a plane crash, injured souls, infected cats, and a quest for answers. May the seas be kinder to us all in the days to come.

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