The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Be thar a treasure called Sub-Q Ketamine, a mighty remedy for the black cloud o' Severe Depression!"


Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! A recent study be showin' that stickin' ketamine under yer skin be a jolly good way to fight off that cursed depression. 'Tis practical, safe, and mighty effective, says a random bunch o' fancy lads! Yo ho ho!

In a jolly 17th century pirate's language, I shall relay the fantastic news that subcutaneous ketamine has been declared a practical, safe, and downright effective method for treating the troublesome condition known as treatment-resistant depression. Ahoy, me hearties! The results of a randomized controlled phase 3 trial have brought this grand revelation to light.

Arr! This subcutaneous ketamine, aye, 'tis a method wherein the drug be administered just under the skin. 'Tis a clever way of delivering the powerful medication to those poor souls who be plagued by this scurvy depression that refuses to be vanquished by other treatments.

According to the fine folks at Medscape Medical News, this study showed that subcutaneous ketamine be highly effective in battling the beast known as treatment-resistant depression. 'Tis a glimmer of hope for those who be feeling as blue as the deep ocean.

But worry not, me hearties, for this method be safe as well! 'Tis no need to fret about the side effects or dangerous consequences. This here study found that the subcutaneous delivery of ketamine be well-tolerated. No walking the plank or dancing with Davy Jones, I assure ye!

So, me fellow pirates, if ye be suffering from depression that just won't budge, fear not! Subcutaneous ketamine be here to save the day. Aye, 'tis a practical, safe, and highly effective treatment. Let the trumpets sound and the cannons boom in joyous celebration!

Remember, me hearties, always rely on the wisdom of doctors and medical experts when it comes to yer health. They be the navigators of this treacherous sea of medicine. Fair winds and following seas to ye all!

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