The Booty Report

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Yarrr! A landlubber who recklessly played the sport o' soccer be charged with attempted murder, only to meet his watery grave in a self-inflicted plunge, after layin' hands on the ref!


Avast ye, mateys! A young swashbuckler, aged but twenty-four, from a wee soccer league, met his untimely fate with a shot to his noggin. 'Tis a sad day indeed, for he had been accused of attempted slaughter just afore his demise.

In a tragic turn of events, Williams Alexander Tapón, a player from an amateur soccer league in Buenos Aires, was found dead with a gunshot wound to his head shortly after being charged with attempted homicide for a violent assault against a referee. The incident occurred during a match between Tapón's team, La Cortada, and El Rejunte in an amateur tournament. Tapón knocked the referee down with a punch and proceeded to kick him in the head, rendering him unconscious. After the victim filed a complaint, Tapón was charged with aggravated attempted homicide with premeditation in the context of a sporting event, a crime that carries a penalty of 10 to 15 years in prison.
The brutal assault went viral on social media, gaining Tapón unexpected notoriety. However, his actions have now resulted in his own demise. While the police did not confirm the cause of death, Tapón's widow claimed that it was a suicide, citing an audio message he had sent her. In the message, Tapón said goodbye and expressed his preference for everyone to suffer at once rather than seeing him suffer every day in prison.
Tapón, who was a father of two young children, had also been facing a potential ban from attending sporting events for life. In an interview before his death, he admitted to losing control and reacting violently towards the referee due to his anger and perceived bias in favor of the opposing team.
This heartbreaking incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of unchecked aggression and the devastating consequences it can have. It highlights the need for better sportsmanship and conflict resolution in amateur sports, as well as the importance of addressing mental health issues in society.

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