The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Avast, ye mateys! The Borderlands series may soon offer a grand treasure trove o' games in one shipshape collection, says the ratings board!


Arrr, ye scallywags! Lend me yer ears, for I have news! 'Tis been decreed by South Africa that The Borderlands Compilation: Pandora's Box hath been rated. Avast ye, 'tis a joyous occasion fer all ye landlubbers seekin' adventure on the high seas of gaming!

Arr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' some news from the land of South Africa! The Borderlands Compilation: Pandora's Box, a game that be full o' treasure and excitement, has been given a rating in that distant land. Now, ye may be wonderin' what this compilation be all about, and I'll be tellin' ye all ye need to know, in the language of a 17th-century pirate, in a humorous tone, mind ye.

This be no ordinary game, me mateys. 'Tis a compilation, meanin' it be takin' some of the finest booty from the Borderlands series and packin' it all together. Ye'll be findin' yerself in a world full o' danger and adventure, where ye can plunder and pillage to yer heart's content.

Now, me hearties, Pandora's Box be the name of this compilation. 'Tis like a treasure chest, holdin' all the loot ye can imagine. In Borderlands, ye be takin' on the role of a brave pirate, fightin' off enemies, discoverin' ancient relics, and seekin' treasure beyond yer wildest dreams.

But beware, landlubbers! The Borderlands compilation be not for the faint o' heart. Ye'll be facin' gruesome creatures, rival pirates, and treacherous terrain. But fear not, for ye shall also be findin' weapons aplenty, from swords and pistols to cannons and bombs. 'Tis a pirate's paradise!

So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a game that be lettin' ye live the life of a swashbucklin' pirate, the Borderlands Compilation: Pandora's Box be the one for ye. With its humor, excitement, and booty galore, ye won't be disappointed. Sail on, me mateys, and may ye find yer own Pandora's Box full o' adventure!

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