The Booty Report

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Arrr! Them US officials be mighty troubled 'bout that missing lad in North Korea. Bring him home we must, by hook or by crook!


Arr, the U.S. scallywags from the State Department and Pentagon be blabberin' that they know naught but a wee bit about Travis King, save that he be a captive of the North Korean scurvy dogs.

U.S. officials have provided more information about Travis King's situation before his escape into North Korea, although they have not yet made contact with North Korean authorities. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth stated that they know King willingly crossed into North Korean territory. King, an Army private 2nd class, was seen running across the Military Demarcation Line while visiting the Demilitarized Zone. Witnesses reported seeing him smiling and thought it was a social media stunt. King had recently been in a South Korean detention facility following a physical altercation with locals. Wormuth expressed concern for his safety, referencing the tragedy of Otto Warmbier. Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh confirmed that King was alive and in North Korean custody but had no further information. Singh also stated that King was not in custody when authorities escorted him through the airport, where he escaped to the DMZ. She refused to use the word "defect" and emphasized the need for an investigation. Wormuth reiterated the priority of bringing King back to the U.S., regardless of his misconduct. The Department of Defense, State Department, and White House are using U.N. channels to communicate with North Korea. However, North Korean officials have not publicly addressed the situation. U.S. State Department spokesman Matt Miller stated that King's case is an "extremely high priority" and that they are actively seeking his safe return.

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