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Yarrr! In Lebanon, a wee lass be discovered in a rubbish sack, clutched by a mutinous mutt! Blimey!


Arrr, a scurvy dog in Lebanon be spied with a rubbish sack, holdin' a wee babe forsaken, so sayeth the news! The blunderin' authorities be yet to fathom the scoundrel who ditched the poor soul. Yo ho ho!

A stray dog in Lebanon was discovered carrying an abandoned baby girl inside a black garbage bag that was left outside a government building. The dog was holding the bag in its mouth when a passerby heard cries coming from inside. The child was taken to the Islamic Hospital in Tripoli and then transferred to another care facility. Pictures of the girl show bruises and abrasions on her face and body. The incident sparked outrage on social media, with users condemning the abandonment of the baby. Some users even praised the dog for its kindness and intelligence, comparing it to those responsible for the abandonment.

Authorities in Lebanon have not yet determined who left the baby. A journalist named Ghassan Rifi speculated that the person may have intended to either let the dogs kill the baby or draw attention to her. Meanwhile, the child is said to be recovering in the hospital.

This incident is not an isolated case, as there have been several incidents of child abuse in Lebanon recently. Just earlier this month, a 6-year-old girl named Lynn Talib died in the Miniyeh region, and it was later revealed that she had been sexually assaulted before her death.

While this story may seem shocking and distressing, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing issue of child abuse and neglect in many parts of the world. It is imperative that society continues to address and raise awareness about these issues to protect the most vulnerable members of our communities.

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