The Booty Report

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Arrr! Yonder scurvy docs be launchin' a fine primary care haven, after that cursed hospital met its watery grave!


Arrr, me hearties! With the aid of the landlubbers, former shipmates be joinin' hands to fill the empty sails of care, left by the loss of scurvy doctors and their departments at a gallant hospital in Gallup, New Mexico. Yo ho ho!

Arr, me mateys! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! I have some news to share that be tickling me funny bone. It seems that in Gallup, New Mexico, there be a hospital that's sufferin' a mighty blow. Doctors and departments have been sailin' away, leavin' gaps in care like a leaky ship.
But fear not, me hearties! The community has rallied together like a crew of swashbucklin' pirates to fill them gaps. Former co-workers be joinin' forces, bandin' together like a crew o' buccaneers to make sure the folks in Gallup don't go without proper care.
I can almost hear the laughter raisin' the sails of hope in their hearts as they work together. They be showin' the true spirit of compassion and unity, like a crew sharin' a barrel of grog after a long day of pillagin' and plunderin'.
With their help, the ship be stayin' afloat, sailin' through rough waters with the wind at their backs. The community be showin' the world what it means to be a pirate – not just takin' what ye can get, but givin' back when the tide turns against ye.
So here's to the brave souls in Gallup, New Mexico. Keep fightin' the good fight, me hearties! Let your actions be an inspiration to us all, remindin' us that even in the darkest of times, a united crew can weather any storm.
And for those doctors and departments that abandoned ship, I hope they be learnin' a lesson or two. A pirate's life be about loyalty and standin' beside yer mates, not jumpin' ship at the first sign of trouble.
So raise yer glasses, me lads and lasses, and toast to the community of Gallup. May they continue to fill them gaps in care, showin' the world that when ye work together, ye can make a difference in the lives of others. Yo ho ho!

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