Avast ye scurvy drugmakers! They be throwin' their whole bloomin' kitchen sink to stop Medicare from bargainin' prices!
Arrr, me hearties! The government be readyin' to declare the first 10 potions to be tangled in a merry negotiation with Medicare, all under a shiny new law! But those scurvy drugmakers, they be fightin' tooth and nail in court, aye!
Arrr, me mateys, ye may be wonderin' why the government be meddlin' with the prices of these magical elixirs. Well, it be all about savin' a treasure chest full of gold. Ye see, these medications be costin' a pretty penny, and Medicare wants to bargain with the drugmakers to get a fair deal. They be hopin' to lower the prices and make 'em more affordable for all the landlubbers who rely on 'em to keep their health shipshape.
But, shiver me timbers, those sneaky scallywags in the drug industry be fightin' tooth and nail to protect their precious loot. They be arguin' in court that the government be overstepping its bounds, tryin' to plunder their profits. They be sayin' that negotiatin' prices will harm their ability to develop new medicines, and that be soundin' like a load of bilge to me!
Arrr, it be a battle on the high seas, me hearties! The government be pressin' on, determined to make these negotiations a reality. They be sayin' that it's high time the drugmakers be held accountable for their exorbitant prices. After all, if ye can't afford the medicine ye need, ye might as well be walkin' the plank!
So, me mateys, keep an eye on the horizon for news of the first 10 medications to face the government's price negotiations. Will the drugmakers be forced to surrender a portion of their booty? Only time will tell, but one thing be certain - this be a tale of adventure, greed, and a fight for the health of all!