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Arrr! Ecuador landlubbers be raisin' walls to fend off scurvy knaves, as crime be spreadin' like barnacles!


Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers of Guayaquil, Ecuador's grandest city, be erectin' gates and mighty walls to ward off the treacherous tide of crime, as per a fine report, lest they be plundered by rapscallions and bilge rats alike!

Residents of Ecuador's largest city, Guayaquil, have resorted to walling themselves into their neighborhoods in order to protect themselves from rampant criminals. The city has seen a significant increase in crime, with an average of seven people being killed each day in the first quarter of 2023, double the rate compared to the same period last year. This surge in violence is attributed to the aftermath of the pandemic and ongoing drug gang wars. In response, residents have installed security gates to keep criminals out, with one neighborhood, Samanes 1, implementing six gates to protect over 300 families.

Before the gates were installed, the neighborhood experienced an average of 12 crimes per day, including robberies and car thefts. Guayaquil is following the example of nearby cities by "bunkerizing" and turning itself into a fortified area to protect law-abiding citizens. Urban planner Fernando Carrion explains that this involves creating borders within cities, requiring identification, visas, and body searches for entry.

The increase in crime in Guayaquil is evident in the rising number of extortion and robbery cases. Extortion cases have more than tripled compared to the previous year, with robberies targeting both homes and retail stores surpassing the total number for all of 2022. Frustrated with government inefficiency in addressing the crime problems, residents have taken matters into their own hands by installing gates. The Nueva Kennedy neighborhood recently installed 17 gates to safeguard its more than 600 residents.

While it is regrettable that residents have had to resort to such measures, their safety and peace of mind are paramount. By walling themselves off, they hope to create a secure environment where they can freely walk the streets again. The situation in Guayaquil serves as a stark reminder of the importance of effective law enforcement and the need for comprehensive strategies to combat crime.

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