Arrr! As the queries pile up, so do the dreaded 'Trump Tax'. Aye, troubles be brewin'!
Avast ye! Despite the Trump-related trials bein' quite intricate, the scurvy prosecutors claim they haven't been hindered much in their daily duties. Arrr, matey, they be sailin' smoothly on the sea of justice!
In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, it be said that despite all the fancy legal jargon and complicated Trump-related prosecutions, those scallywags in the prosecutor's office haven't been too much hindered in carryin' out their regular duties, according to the officials, arrr!Aye, mateys, ye see, these prosecutions be full of complexity and twists like a ship caught in a tempest. But fear not, the prosecutors haven't been left stranded on a deserted island. Nay, they still be able to go about their regular business of huntin' down the lawbreakers and bringin' 'em to justice, just like they always have. Shiver me timbers!
Now, me hearties, ye may be wonderin' what be the regular duties of these prosecutors. Well, let me enlighten ye. They be chasin' after thievin' scoundrels, blabbermouth cheats, and other assorted ne'er-do-wells who dare to break the law. These swashbucklers be investigatin' crimes, gatherin' evidence, and buildin' cases against the scurvy dogs who be tryin' to dodge the long arm of the law.
So, despite all the commotion surroundin' the Trump-related prosecutions, the officials reckon that the prosecutors still be able to keep their eye patches on the prize and do their job, which be to make sure the bad guys pay for their misdeeds. Aye, me hearties, justice may take its time, but it be a force more powerful than any hurricane or whirlpool!
So, me mateys, rest assured that the prosecutors be sailin' on, wieldin' their legal cutlasses, and bringin' the lawbreakers to justice. Whether ye be a simple sailor or a fearsome captain, let's hope that justice be done, and these Trump-related prosecutions don't become a tale of pirates runnin' amok in the legal waters. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!