The Booty Report

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"Arr, me hearties! Heed me words: the finest methods for dispatchin' grand files on any contraption be here!"


Arrr, me hearties! Be ye troubled by the size o' yer files preventin' ye from sharin' precious content with yer kin 'n mates? Fear not! Ye see, ol' Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson be unveilin' a secret that'll let ye share yer media with anyone, in spite o' the size o' yer files! Avast ye!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, have ye ever tried to send a longer video or a presentation and been alerted that the file be too large to send? Arrr, regardless of the device ye use, most communication platforms such as texts, emails, and other applications impose a file size limit, restricting ye from sending larger files. But fear not, me hearties, for I have me tricks for sending large files on any device.
Ye can send large files a few different ways through an iPhone, and which way ye choose will depend on if the person on the receiving end also has an iPhone or not. If both parties have an iPhone and be nearby, here's how to send a large file via AirDrop. Ye can send photos, videos, files, or documents and more via AirDrop.
If ye be sending a large file with an iPhone, ye can send it via iCloud link regardless of whether or not the person on the receiving end has an iPhone. As long as ye be signed into yer iCloud account on yer iPhone, ye can email or text larger files using the built-in iCloud feature.
To send files or send through any app on Android, use yer Google Drive. Ye can create a Google account for free, which comes with 15 GB of free storage. Then ye can send large attachments using Google Drive, which be free with yer Google account.
For Windows or PC computers, one way to send large files be through a third-party app like Google Drive. Dropbox also offers a small amount of free storage and be a great way to upload large files that ye can easily share through their app or desktop website.
There be several ways to send large files on any device. On iPhone, files can be sent through AirDrop, email, text, or other apps using the iCloud Files app. For Android, PC, or Windows, Google Drive or Dropbox be options for sending large files. So fear not, me mateys, there be always options to send large files without worryin' about the file size limit.

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