The Booty Report

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$7,200 Per Landlubber: Arizona’s Scallywag Voucher Adventure, arrr! Avast ye, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye, fer I bring ye news from the seven seas! More states be makin' all scallywags eligible fer private school loot. In Arizona, it be mostly them rich lubbers who be swimmin' in the doubloons!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up to this here news from the land of the 21st century! It seems that more states be gettin' on board with the idea of makin' all students eligible for private school subsidies. Now, ye might be thinkin', "Aye, that be a good thing, right?" Well, hold yer horses, me hearties, 'cause it turns out that in Arizona, this whole shindig has been mostly benefitin' them wealthy families.

Now, let me break it down for ye scallywags. Private school subsidies be like treasure chests full o' gold for parents who want to send their wee ones to private schools. It helps 'em pay those hefty tuition fees that be as high as the crow's nest. But in Arizona, it seems like the riches be flowin' straight into the pockets of them wealthy families, while the rest of the crew be left swabbin' the decks.

Ye see, in Arizona, these subsidies be handed out to all students, regardless of their financial situation. Now, ye might be wonderin', "How be that fair, me matey?" And ye be spot on, 'cause it ain't fair at all! The wealthy families already have the doubloons to afford private education, so they be snatchin' up these subsidies like a pack of hungry sharks goin' after a barrel of rum. Meanwhile, the families who be strugglin' to make ends meet be left stranded on a deserted island, unable to access the same opportunities for their little scallywags.

It be like givin' a treasure map to the richest bloke on the ship and tellin' the rest of the crew to fend for themselves. It just don't make no sense, me hearties! So, me fellow pirates, as more states be jumpin' on this private school subsidy ship, let's hope they be learnin' from Arizona's mistakes. We need a fair system that be helpin' all families, not just them with the fattest treasure chests. Arrr!

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