The Booty Report

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Arrr! The matey in charge of justice in New Zealand walks the plank, havin' been caught in a car crash!


Arrr! The scurvy dog, New Zealand's Justice Minister, be resignin' on a Monday, forsooth! She be accused o' rammin' a parked vessel whilst testin' her grog level, exceedin' the legal limit, ye scallywag!

New Zealand Justice Minister Kiri Allan has resigned from her position after being charged with being over the legal alcohol limit and crashing into a parked car. The incident occurred in Wellington, the country's capital, on Sunday evening. Allan was detained for several hours and has been charged with careless driving and refusing to accompany a police officer. Although she tested over the legal alcohol limit, she was not charged with drunk driving. If found guilty, Allan could face fines and a suspension of her driver's license.

Allan had taken time off recently due to mental health issues following a publicized split with her partner. She also faced criticism for poor working relationships with some staff. Prime Minister Chris Hipkins spoke with Allan and expressed his belief that she was not in a fit state to continue as a minister, given the criminal charges against her. Allan agreed and resigned from her ministerial roles, although she remains a member of Parliament.

Both Hipkins and Allan acknowledged that she had been experiencing extreme emotional distress at the time of the incident. Allan apologized for her actions and stated that she would be reflecting on her future in politics.

This scandal is just the latest involving government ministers in New Zealand. Transport and Immigration Minister Michael Wood resigned last month for failing to disclose a potential conflict of interest, while Police Minister Stuart Nash was fired in March for sharing confidential information with donors. Customs Minister Meka Whaitiri was also fired in May after switching political parties.

These scandals come ahead of the country's national elections in October, where the conservative opposition is currently polling neck and neck with the incumbent liberals.

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