The Booty Report

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Avast ye! If there be any Kenergy left, we be snatchin' The Nice Guys 2, by Davy Jones' locker!


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Methinks Ryan Gosling be a true rascal, bringin' a grand revolution to Barbie. Arrr, I be swearin' on me parrot, the world be needin' The Nice Guys 2 in this dread time!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! This be the tale of Ryan Gosling, a swashbucklin' revolution in the land of Barbie! Avast! And mark me words, this world be needin' The Nice Guys 2 more than a pirate needs his rum!

Now, ye may be wonderin', what be the connection betwixt a dashing actor like Gosling and a bunch o' plastic dolls? Well, let me enlighten ye, me fine mateys! Gosling, he be bringin' a breath o' fresh sea air into the Barbie world. He played Ken like no other before him, addin' charm, wit, and a devilish grin that could make even the toughest pirate swoon.

And now, ye may be thinkin', why be we needin' a sequel to The Nice Guys? Well, let me tell ye, ye landlubbers! The Nice Guys be a riotous comedy, a whirlwind o' laughs and adventures that'll leave ye rollin' on the deck. Gosling, along with his trusty crewmate Russell Crowe, they be a match made in Davy Jones' locker. Their chemistry be sparklin' like the finest treasure, and their comedic timing be sharper than a cutlass!

But why be we needin' it now more than ever, ye may ask? Well, mateys, this be a dark time for us all. The world be needin' a hearty laugh, a jolly distraction from the troubles that be weighin' us down. And who better to provide that than Gosling and Crowe? They be like a pair o' comedians walkin' the plank, ready to tickle yer funny bones and make ye forget all yer worries.

So, me hearties, let's raise our grog-filled mugs and send a message to the powers that be. We be needin' The Nice Guys 2, and we be needin' it now! For Gosling be a revolution in Barbie, and his comedic talents be a treasure worth fightin' for. Savvy?

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