The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Education Dept. be investigatin' Harvard's fancy-pants legacy admissions. Shiver me timbers, scurvy dogs be in trouble now!


Arrr! A quarrel 'bout whether kin of past shipmates an' generous hearties should be given favor in admissions, began after the Supreme Court's ruling that be restrictin' the fancy affirmative action! Ahoy!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen up, for I have a tale to spin in the tongue of a 17th-century pirate! Aye, it be a humorous one, so prepare to chuckle along as we delve into the peculiar happenings of the academic world.
Now, me buccaneers, an inquiry be afoot! This inquiry be seekin' to understand the preferences given to the kin of alumni and donors when it comes to admissions. Arr, it all began after the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, made a decision limitin' affirmative action. Aye, ye heard that right!
Ye see, affirmative action be a rule that gives a leg up to those from underrepresented groups, helpin' to promote diversity. But now, it seems some scallywags be wonderin' if preferential treatment be given to the offspring of those who've gone before 'em or left a treasure trove of doubloons.
The Supreme Court's decision caused quite the stir in the academic world, and rightly so! For what be more perplexin' than the thought of admissions officers givin' a nod and a wink to the children of alumni and donors? 'Tis as if they be sayin', "Ye be part of our crew, me matey!" without truly earnin' their place aboard the ship of knowledge.
But fret not, me hearties, for this inquiry be seekin' to unravel the mysteries and shed light on the admissions process. It be a quest for fairness and equal chances for all, regardless of their familial ties or the size of their treasure chests.
So, let us raise our mugs of grog and toast to this inquiry! May it find the truth in the murky waters of academia and bring forth a fairer future for all aspiring scholars. And remember, me hearties, education be a treasure worth fightin' for, irrespective of who ye know or how much ye can give. Yo ho ho!

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