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Yarrr! Them Republicans be fumin' at Mayorkas o'er his border policies! 'Tis a fiery House hearin', arrr! Our constituents be wantin' answers, mateys!


Arr, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, that scallywag, did face a mighty grilling from the House Republicans in the grand Judiciary Committee on Wednesday! They be questioning his handling of the cursed border crisis, aye!

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced intense questioning from House Republicans during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the administration's handling of the border crisis. Republicans, including Rep. Mike Johnson, accused Mayorkas of being the most dishonest witness ever to appear before the committee. They blamed him for the surge in migrant encounters at the border and accused him of dereliction of duty.

Mayorkas defended his agency's actions, pointing to a drop in encounters after the end of the Title 42 public health order. He argued that the agency is working in a broken system and needs Congress to enact reforms. However, Republicans remained unconvinced and accused the administration of abusing parole, particularly through the use of the CBP One app.

Democrats generally praised Mayorkas and pushed back against Republican claims of an invasion at the border. Ranking member Jerry Nadler accused Republicans of promoting a dangerous narrative and tied it to the 2019 El Paso shooting. He emphasized that the border is not open and criticized Republicans for making outlandish claims.

Despite Mayorkas' attempts to answer questions, some Republicans expressed frustration with his responses. Rep. Victoria Spartz accused him of not answering any Republican questions and questioned his intent. Mayorkas denied the accusation.

The hearing highlighted the ongoing partisan divide over immigration and border security issues. Republicans continue to blame the Biden administration for the border crisis, while Democrats defend the administration's approach and call for comprehensive immigration reform.

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