The Booty Report

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Arr, the need for a scallywag's permission afore ye can gulp down oral cancer concoctions be growin'!


Arr, in yonder ten years, the grandest surge in seekin' permission hath befallen upon non-fancy name and offshoot potions. Yo ho ho! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News, matey.</i>

Arr, me hearties! Ye won't believe what I've got to tell ye! In the past ten years, there's been a mighty surge in somethin' called "prior authorization" for them fancy non-specialty brand and generic drugs. Aye, ye heard that right! It be growin' faster than a ship full o' barnacles!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker this "prior authorization" be all about. Well, me mateys, it be a process where ye need to get permission from those scallywags called health insurers before ye can get yer hands on the medications ye need. Aye, they be puttin' a bunch of hoops for ye to jump through, like a bunch of tricksy sea serpents!

But it gets even worse, me hearties! The report says it be happenin' mostly for them non-specialty brand and generic drugs. Now what be the point of that, ye may be askin'? It be like makin' ye walk the plank for wantin' a simple, ordinary bottle of rum!

Arr, me thinks these health insurers be playin' a game with us, makin' us dance to their tune. They be thinkin' they be the captain of this ship, decidin' what drugs we can and can't have. But we be fightin' back, me mateys! We be raisin' our voices and demandin' a fair treatmen'!

So, me hearties, next time ye be waitin' in line at the pharmacy, remember the battle we be fightin'. We won't let those scurvy insurers hold us back from our rightful medications. We be pirates, after all, and we be fightin' for what be ours!

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