The Booty Report

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Arr! Semaglutide be spreadin' like wildfire 'mongst me hearties in the land o' US. The diabetics be rejoiceful!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! In the year o' our Lord 2022, a grand 57% of landlubber US adults with the cursed affliction known as type 2 diabetes, who be takin' a fancy incretin-based agent, chose the mighty GLP-1 receptor agonist as their weapon of choice. The use of DPP-4 inhibitors, however, plummeted to a mere 39% of these spellbound scrolls. Arrr! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In the good ol' year 2022, about 57% of those landlubber US adults with type 2 diabetes, who were swilling a grog called incretin-based agent, were opting for a GLP-1 receptor agonist. Arrr, that be a mighty increase! The use of those DPP-4 inhibitors, on the other hand, took a tumble, dropping to a measly 39% of all those scripts. It seems the DPP-4 inhibitors be walking the plank, me hearties!

Now, what be this incretin-based agent, you ask? Well, me matey, it's a fancy name for a medication that helps control the blood sugar of those scallywags with type 2 diabetes. The GLP-1 receptor agonist be quite the popular choice amongst these landlubbers, as it be helpin' the body release more insulin and reduce the amount of glucose produced by the liver. Arrr, it be like giving those blood sugars a good keelhauling!

On the other hand, them DPP-4 inhibitors be losin' favor amongst these salty dogs. These medications be workin' by increasin' the levels of a hormone called incretin, which helps lower blood sugar levels. But it seems these DPP-4 inhibitors be gettin' tossed overboard, as more and more of these scurvy dogs decide to set sail with the GLP-1 receptor agonists. Arrr, it be a mutiny against the DPP-4 inhibitors, me hearties!

So, there you have it, me mateys! In the year 2022, the GLP-1 receptor agonists be holdin' the upper hand, with more than half of them US adults with type 2 diabetes takin' this medication. The DPP-4 inhibitors be walkin' the plank, fallin' to only 39% of these scripts. It be quite the sea change, me hearties, quite the sea change indeed!

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