The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, mateys! Boston Scientific be raisin' its forecast fer booty this year! A jolly good news, says I!


Arr! Boston Scientific be raisin' its yearly profit forecast fer a second time this quarter, bettin' on the demand fer its cardiovascular contraptions as surgical procedure volumes be speedin' up. Avast! <i>Reuters Health Information</i>

In a jolly twist of fate, mateys, Boston Scientific be raisin' the sails on its annual profit forecast for a second time this quarter! Aye, ye heard it right - they be countin' on the resilient demand for their cardiovascular devices, as them surgical procedure volumes be pickin' up pace. Arrr, it be good news for these scurvy dogs!

Seems like Boston Scientific be makin' a tidy profit from their fancy medical gadgets that be fixin' broken hearts and such. Aye, they be expectin' a mighty increase in their booty, me hearties!

With the demand for surgical procedures on the rise, these swashbucklers be jumpin' for joy! They be expectin' more patients in need of their fancy gadgets to keep their tickers tickin' and their blood flowin'. Arr, that be good news for all them salty dogs at Boston Scientific!

These scallywags be so pleased with their success that they be raisin' their profit forecast for the second time in a row! They be thinkin' they can make even more doubloons than they originally thought. Aye, they be swimmin' in gold like a bunch of happy mermaids!

So there ye have it, me hearties - Boston Scientific be ridin' the high seas of profit, thanks to the demand for their cardiovascular gadgets. It be a jolly good time for all them lads and lasses at the company. Arr, let's raise a tankard of grog and toast to their success!

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