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Arr, aye, that vexed Lufthansa soul didst sail his craft in a phallic shape, a mighty 15 leagues long!


Arrr! Avast ye, me hearties! A Lufthansa ship from Deutschland to Sicilia be spied on yon radar, sailin' in a shape resemblin' a pirate's privates, all thanks to the cap'n bein' instructed to dock at a different port!

A Lufthansa pilot reportedly flew a plane full of passengers in a flight pattern that resembled a penis on radar after being asked to divert the flight to a different airport.

The pilot of Lufthansa Flight 306, frustrated by not being able to land at the desired airport in Sicily, allegedly flew the plane in a 15-mile pattern shaped like a penis before landing in Malta. This unusual flight pattern was visible on the flight tracking website Flight Radar 24.

A spokesperson for Lufthansa attributed the incident to "wind shear" and explained that due to unfavorable weather conditions, the pilot had to fly a holding pattern and attempt the landing again but without success. The plane then flew to Malta to refuel and approached Catania from a different direction.

Similar incidents involving phallic flight patterns have occurred in the past. In 2019, two U.S. Navy officers drew a phallic shape in the sky using their jet's exhaust, and last year a U.S. Air Force plane was seen on radar flying near a Russian air base in Syria in what some online observers believed to be a phallic flight path.

In both cases, the military spokespersons denied any intentional wrongdoing, stating that the flight patterns were unintentional and merely a result of adjustments and movements necessary for the flight.

While the incident may have caused amusement and raised eyebrows, it serves as a reminder that even in the serious world of aviation, human error and unexpected events can lead to unexpected and entertaining outcomes.

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