The Booty Report

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Avast, ye scruvy dogs! Final Fantasy 14 be tradin' bikinis fer caped crusaders this summer, sparkin' a mighty clash among fans!


Avast ye scallywags! Bilge rats be prattlin' 'bout them feeble bikinis, whilst I reckon Kamen Rider be the veritable cat's whiskers! Arrr, let this be known across the seven seas!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye landlubbers, for I shall regale thee with a tale of the fashion trends of our day. Avast! Bikinis, I say, be a feeble and laughable attire, fit only for those who lack the true pirate spirit. Aye, the sight of a lass donning such scanty garments may elicit a cheer or two from this salty crew, but mark me words, it be a fleeting fancy.
Now, let me tell ye about something truly worthy of a pirate's admiration - Kamen Rider! Aye, this be the epitome of coolness, me hearties. Picture this - a masked, spandex-clad hero, mounted upon a mighty steed, ready to battle the forces of evil. What more could a swashbuckler like meself ask for?
But alas, me mateys, not everyone sees the wisdom in this belief. Some scallywags dare question the appeal of Kamen Rider, while prancing around in their flimsy two-piece suits. Aye, they may call themselves fashion-forward, but I'll wager me last doubloon that they lack the true taste for adventure.
Ye see, me hearties, the pirate life be one of danger and excitement. We scoff at the notion of lounging on sandy shores, basking in the sun's warm embrace. Give us the thrill of the high seas, the thrill of the hunt! Kamen Rider embodies this very spirit, with his daring exploits and battles against dastardly foes.
So, me mateys, let us raise our tankards high and toast to the coolness of Kamen Rider! Let us revel in our pirate ways, clad in our rugged attire, and laugh heartily at those who choose to prance about in flimsy bikinis. Arr, I say, let the Kamen Rider fans be the true heroes of our time, for they possess the audacity and style that befits a pirate's taste. Yo ho ho!

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