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Arrr! Ethiopia be cryin' "Avast ye, state of emergency be declared as regional violence be runnin' rampant!"


Arrrr! The Council of Ministers in Ethiopia be declarin' a state of emergency in the Amhara land! There be too much ruckus and violence plaguin' the good people o' East Africa! Time to sort things out, me hearties!

The Council of Ministers in Ethiopia has declared a state of emergency in the Amhara region due to escalating clashes between regional forces and the military. The decision was announced by the prime minister’s office after the region’s leader expressed that regular law enforcement was unable to control the violence. The declaration, which requires approval from Parliament, cites the increasing threat to national security and public peace, as well as severe economic damage caused by "armed extremist groups."
Since April, when federal authorities disarmed Amhara’s security forces following the end of a two-year war in the neighboring Tigray region, Ethiopia’s second most populous region has been plagued by instability. An attempt was also made to dismantle the informal Amhara militia known as Fano last year. This week, fighting has erupted across the Amhara region, with militia members attacking army units and protesters blocking roads. Flights to popular tourist towns Lalibela and Gondar have been suspended, and internet access has been affected.
To address the situation, the state of emergency prohibits various activities, including protests, with violators facing up to 10 years imprisonment. The decree also grants authorities the power to detain suspects without a court order, conduct searches, and impose curfews. While initially applicable to the Amhara region, the powers may be extended to other parts of Ethiopia if deemed necessary.
The declaration of the state of emergency highlights the grave situation in the Amhara region and the government’s determination to restore peace and stability. It underscores the urgent need for intervention as clashes intensify and pose a threat to national security. The declaration also raises concerns about the economic impact and the involvement of armed extremist groups in the violence. The authorities’ decision to disarm Amhara’s security forces and dismantle the informal militia last year appears to have contributed to the current instability. With the state of emergency in place, it is hoped that the situation will be brought under control and efforts can be made to address the underlying issues causing the unrest.

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