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Arrr, Canada be settin' sail with a grand new tax for their fancy tech gadgets, me hearties!


Arrr, mateys! This grand scheme to tax them fancy tech companies be stuck in Davy Jones' locker. But fear not! Canada be chartin' a new course, settin' sail with another cunning plan. Aye, they be showin' the world how it's done!

In typical pirate fashion, an international overhaul to tax tech companies has come to a screeching halt, leaving Canada no choice but to take matters into its own hands. Avast, me hearties! The Great White North be forging ahead with yet another plan! Arr!

As it be, these tech companies have been a-sailin' through the murky waters of tax evasion for far too long. The international community be squabbling like a bunch of landlubbers, unable to come to an agreement on how to make these scallywags pay their fair share. But fear not, for Canada be hoisting the Jolly Roger and venturing forth with its own solution!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what this plan be, but let me tell ye, it be a clever one indeed. Our Canadian mates be proposin' to slap a digital tax on these tech giants, collectin' a portion of their booty based on the revenue they be generatin' from our shores. Aye, that be right! If they be makin' moolah from Canadian souls, they be payin' their due to the crown!

But hold yer horses, me hearties, for this be no easy journey. The likes of Facebook, Google, and the rest be puttin' up quite the fight. They be threatenin' to pass on the cost to the common folk, raisin' their prices and makin' us all walk the plank into poverty. The nerve of those scurvy dogs!

But fear not, for Canada be standin' strong! Our land be known for its resilience, and we won't let these tech tycoons intimidate us. The plan be movin' forward, and with any luck, these bilge rats will finally have to cough up their fair share of doubloons.

So, raise yer mugs, me hearties, and let us cheer for Canada's bold move! May the winds of change blow in our favor, and may these tax-evadin' tech companies finally meet the sharp end of our fiscal cutlass! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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