The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scurvy known as TBI be makin' yer mind ail, makin' ye ponder walkin' the plank!


Arrr, mateys! Them soldiers who suffered from a knock on th' noggin during their pirating adventures saw a mighty surge in newfangled madness, leadin' to a swifter path to Davy Jones' locker. Savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

In the language of a 17th century pirate, mateys, it be a sad tale we be hearin'! A bunch o' soldiers who be sufferin' from a TBI during their time at sea had a greater chance o' developin' new-onset mental illnesses, arrr! And ye know what be even worse? This may have led 'em to meet Davy Jones' locker a lot sooner, if ye catch me drift!

Arrr, this study, by the fine lads and lasses at Medscape Medical News, be showin' us that these poor souls who be fightin' for their lives on land and sea, they be facin' an even greater battle within their own minds, arrr! Aye, they be sufferin' from conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, makin' it harder for 'em to find a glimmer o' hope in this dark and stormy sea o' life.

Now, why be this important, ye may be wonderin'? Well, me hearties, it be because these mental illnesses be drivin' these brave soldiers to think 'bout endin' it all, to take that plunge into the abyss. Aye, they be havin' a shorter time to suicide, as the fancy Medscape lads and lasses put it. It be a soberin' thought, indeed.

So, me hearties, let's raise a mug o' rum to these brave souls, who be not only battlin' the physical dangers on the battlefield but also the demons within. Let's hope that the powers that be, the fine doctors and scientists, can find a way to help these poor lads and lasses, so they can find the calm seas they deserve. Arrr, fair winds and following seas to all!

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