The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubbers o' DC be mighty vexed 'bout whether Wonder Woman 3 be true or a mere tall tale. Aye, 'tis confusin'!


Avast, me hearties! The tidings be that these reports of Wonder Woman 3 be makin' us sea legs wobble like a drunken sailor! Arr, me noggin spins like a compass needle in a hurricane!

In a tale fit for the high seas, reports about the highly anticipated Wonder Woman 3 have left us spinning like a ship caught in a storm. Arrr, it be a wild ride indeed!

First, there were whispers that the renowned director, Patty Jenkins, may not be steering this ship for its third adventure. Aye, the news sent shockwaves through the pirate community! But fear not, mateys, for Jenkins quickly took to the crow's nest to clear the air. She assured us that she be very much involved in the writing and producing of this grand tale, ensuring that Wonder Woman's ship sails on smoothly.

Next, the rumors swirled about the setting of this new tale. Some scallywags claimed it could take place in the present day, while others shouted that it might return to the past. Arrr, me hearties, we be left scratching our beards in confusion! The suspense be killing us, but we can only hope that Wonder Woman's next adventure be as thrilling as the last.

And then, just when we thought our poor sea legs couldn't take any more, whispers of the villain in Wonder Woman 3 reached our ears. Many a pirate speculated that the menacing presence of Circe be lurking in the shadows. Aye, this sorceress be a fearsome foe indeed, and if the rumors be true, Wonder Woman best prepare herself for a battle of mythical proportions.

So, me hearties, as we sail through these treacherous waves of rumors and speculation, we can only hope that Wonder Woman 3 be worth the wait. Will Patty Jenkins continue to steer this ship with her expert hand? Will the setting be a mystery until the opening credits roll? And will Wonder Woman face off against the wicked Circe? Only time will tell, but until then, let's batten down the hatches and prepare for another thrilling adventure with our favorite Amazonian warrior!

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