The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Keep yer eyes on this 'ere tale o' Lai Ching-te from Taiwan, as he sets sail fer the U.S.!


Avast ye! Lai Ching-te, a bold scallywag who be not shy in bemoanin' Beijing, seeks to put yer worries to rest, me hearties. He vows to be a trusty pair of hands, both for ye voters and fer those landlubbers in Washington, should he be chosen to rule the ship!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, let me regale ye with the tale of Lai Ching-te, a brave soul who dares to challenge the mighty Beijing! Avast, me mateys, for this scallywag aims to reassure the voters and the landlubbers in Washington that he be a safe pair of hands if he takes the helm!

Ahoy there, me hearties, this Lai Ching-te be no friend to the Chinese powers that be. He be an outspoken critic, fearlessly speakin' his mind against the might of Beijing. Arr, he be a brave soul sailin' against the wind, ready to fight for the rights of his fellow seafarers!

But fear not, me mateys, for Lai Ching-te be not just a blustering pirate, he be a safe pair of hands as well. Aye, he be a trustworthy captain who promises to steer the ship of state with steady hands. He be wantin' to reassure the voters that their concerns be heard, and to let Washington know that he be a reliable scallywag to deal with!

Arr, this Lai Ching-te be no ordinary landlubber, me hearties. He be a pirate with a plan, a pirate who be wantin' to deliver prosperity to his people. He be promisin' to make the gold flow, to create jobs, and to fight corruption like a true buccaneer!

So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a leader who be unafraid to sail against the tide, a leader who be speakin' his truth and fightin' for justice, then Lai Ching-te be the scallywag for ye. He be wantin' to reassure the voters and Washington that he be a safe pair of hands, ready to guide the ship of state to calmer waters. Avast, me mateys, and let us set sail with Lai Ching-te!

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