The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Aye, a thrifty addition be givin' birth to a grand age o' machine cannons!


Arr, me hearties, be wary o' these treacherous "switches"! They be devilish contraptions, transformin' simple pistols into fearsome instruments of destruction. They be more dangerous than a scurvy sea serpent, posin' a growin' menace to innocent souls passin' by!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale of treacherous contraptions that be turnin' simple pistols into monstrous machines of destruction. These devilish devices, they call 'em "switches," be makin' these weapons fully automatic, aye, turnin' 'em into the death-bringers that be hauntin' the seven seas.

Now, ye might be wonderin', how do these switches work? Well, me mateys, allow me to enlighten ye. These accursed contrivances be attachin' to the trigger of a pistol, allowin' it to fire multiple shots with a single squeeze. No longer be ye needin' to pull the trigger for each shot, for these switches be doin' the dirty work for ye.

But beware, me hearties, for these switches be creatin' a growin' threat to innocent bystanders. With pistols turned into fully automatic weapons, the bullets be flyin' faster than a parrot fleein' from a hungry cat. 'Tis a danger to all those caught in the crossfire, for the wielder of such a weapon may lose control and unleash a hail of lead upon the unsuspectin' souls nearby.

Picture this, me mateys: a scallywag armed with a pistol equipped with a switch, blastin' away at his foes with the ferocity of a cannon. But alas, his aim be poor, and the shots be strayin' left and right, threatenin' the lives of innocent souls. 'Tis a sight that be turnin' the stomach of even the hardiest pirate.

So, me hearties, let this be a warnin' to ye all. These switches may seem like a fancy gadget, but they be turnin' pistols into deadly weapons, posin' a risk to anyone in their path. Let us sail with caution and ensure that these devices be kept out of the hands of scallywags who would use 'em for ill purposes. Arrr!

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