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Arrr, me hearties! Th' Marvels crew reckon this flick be settin' th' stage fer grand adventures ahead with th' Avengers!


ARRR! Avast ye! 'Tis the word from the parley of Marvels filmmakers to Total Film magazine, spillin' their secrets 'bout how the sequel bein' a treasure trove o' opportunities for the future of the MCU!

Arr, me hearties! Buckle up yer swashbucklin' trousers fer some excitin' news from the land o' Marvel! Total Film magazine recently had a grand ol' parlay with the filmmakers o' The Marvels, and they spilled the beans on how this here sequel be settin' up opportunities fer the future o' the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

First off, me mateys, it be important to remember that we be talkin' 'bout a sequel to Captain Marvel. The film be sportin' not jus' one, but a whole crew o' powerful ladies, includin' Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, an' Kamala Khan, who be better known as Ms. Marvel. Together, they be formin' somethin' mighty, somethin' called The Marvels!

Now, the filmmakers be sayin' that this here sequel be openin' up all sorts o' doors fer future adventures. They be hintin' at new characters bein' introduced, new stories bein' told, an' new worlds bein' explored. Aye, me hearties, it be soundin' like a grand treasure hunt awaitin' us all!

But that ain't all, me buckos! The filmmakers be whisperin' secrets 'bout the film's connection to the other Captain Marvel flick, an' even to the upcoming Ms. Marvel series on Disney+. It be soundin' like a grand tapestry bein' woven, with threads o' intrigue linkin' these tales together!

So, what be next fer the MCU, ye may ask? Well, if these filmmakers be tellin' the truth, then we be in fer some truly excitin' adventures on the horizon. We be seein' the mighty Marvels sailin' through uncharted waters, battlin' evil, an' discoverin' new allies along the way.

So, me hearties, keep yer eyes peeled an' yer cutlasses sharp, 'cause the future o' the MCU be lookin' brighter than a stolen treasure chest filled with cursed gold. The Marvels be settin' sail, an' we be all aboard fer what promises to be a swashbucklin' good time!

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