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Arr mateys! Aforementioned scallywag, Yassin, be cleared o' his dirty dealings by th' law. Yo ho ho!


Avast ye! Muhyiddin Yassin, the ol' captain of Malaysia, be free o' four corruption charges on Aug. 15, 2023! But beware, me hearties, he still be answerin' fer three charges o' money laundering, plunderin' $43 million. Yo ho ho!

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has been acquitted of four corruption charges by the high court. The charges accused him of abusing his power to obtain $50 million in bribes for his Bersatu party. Muhyiddin claimed that the charges were politically motivated and that he had not done anything wrong. His lawyer argued that the charges were legally flawed and lacked details on how the offenses were committed. With the collapse of the main charges, they are confident that the remaining three charges of money laundering will not stand. Prosecutors have stated that they will appeal the court's decision.

This legal victory for Muhyiddin comes shortly after state elections that returned the status quo. However, Muhyiddin's bloc, Perikatan Nasional (PN), which includes a conservative Islamic party, has further expanded its influence among the country's majority Malays, deepening ethnic polarization in Malaysia. His opponent, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, has denied allegations that the charges against Muhyiddin were politically motivated, emphasizing that the investigations were carried out independently by the anti-graft agency.

Muhyiddin's acquittal follows the conviction of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, who received multiple charges after losing the 2018 general election. Najib is currently serving a 12-year prison term after losing his final appeal in one of his graft trials.

The political landscape in Malaysia remains contentious, with ongoing power struggles and allegations of corruption. Both Muhyiddin and Anwar fought for the premiership after the hung parliament in November's general election. Muhyiddin's PN bloc gained significant support from Malays, who comprise the majority of Malaysia's population. Ultimately, the king appointed Anwar as prime minister after he formed a unity government with former rivals.

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