The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Baldur's Gate 3 be havin' summat on PS5 it lacked on PC: pre-lo'ds 2 days afore launch!


Arrr, me hearties! Word be reachin' me ears that Baldur's Gate 3 be makin' its way to the PS5, allowin' ye landlubbers to load it afore ye sail the high seas. Alas, us PC scallywags be left waitin' in Davy Jones' locker! Shiver me timbers!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and set yer sights on this here news about Baldur's Gate 3! It be a treasure worth sharin', especially for ye scallywags sailin' on the PS5 seas. Aye, ye heard right, me mateys! The PS5 be gettin' pre-loads for Baldur's Gate 3 while the PC be left stranded like a ship without a crew!
Now, ye may be wonderin' what be this pre-load business all about. Well, me lads, 'tis a mighty fine convenience for ye gamers. It be like buryin' a chest of gold on the PS5, ready for ye to dig up and play the game as soon as it be released. No more waitin' like a landlubber for the game to download, arr!
But alas, me hearties, the PC be left out in the cold, with nary a chance to pre-load this gem of a game. It be as if the pirates of old be sailin' away with all the booty, while the poor PC gamers be left scrubbin' the decks and battlin' the dreaded loading screens. 'Tis a sad tale, indeed!
Yet fear not, ye crew of the PC ship! There be hope on the horizon. The developers be promisin' a grand feast of improvements and updates for the PC version, settin' sail in due time. So, ye may not have pre-loads, but ye shall have a shipshape game that be worth the wait!
So, me hearties, if ye be the proud owner of a PS5, prepare to set sail on a grand adventure with Baldur's Gate 3. May the winds be at yer back and the seas be filled with treasures untold. And for ye PC gamers, be patient, for yer time to set foot on this wondrous journey be nigh!
Avast! The tale of Baldur's Gate 3 be a wild one, rich with humor and excitement. Whether ye be a PS5 matey or a PC scallywag, let us unite in our love for all things piratey and gaming, arr!

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