The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye maties! Modern Warfare 3 be promisin' the grandest horde o' Zombies yet, and a fancy new campaign mission, arrr!


Arr mateys! "Open combat missions" be sailin' into the Modern Warfare 3 campaign! Prepare ye weapons, me hearties, for a jolly good time of swashbucklin' and mayhem on the high seas of video games!

Arr mateys! Ye landlubbers best prepare yerselves for a jolly update in the Modern Warfare 3 campaign. Aye, ye heard it right! "Open combat missions" be sailin' in, ready to shiver yer timbers and blow ye away!

Picture this, me hearties: ye be sailin' through the high seas of warfare, embarkin' on epic adventures and swashbucklin' escapades. No more bein' stuck in a closed-off course like a rat in a trap - now ye can roam free, like a true buccaneer, explorin' the vast ocean of possibilities.

These open combat missions be offerin' more than just booty - they be givin' ye the chance to truly feel like a captain of yer own destiny. Ye can choose yer own path, decidin' which targets to take down and which treasures to plunder. It be a pirate's dream come true!

But beware, me mateys, for with great freedom comes great danger. Ye need to be smart and strategic, plannin' yer every move like a seasoned pirate plotter. The enemy be lurkin' in every shadow, waitin' to send ye to Davy Jones' locker. Keep yer wits about ye and ye may just survive the treacherous waters.

And fear not, ye swashbucklin' souls, for these open combat missions be still carryin' the heart and soul of the Modern Warfare series. The intense action, the thrill of battle, and the camaraderie among yer crew - all be present and accounted for.

So, me hearties, be ye ready to hoist the anchor and set sail on a grand adventure? The open combat missions be callin' yer name, beckonin' ye to join the ranks of the fiercest pirates in the seven seas. Get ready to unleash yer inner buccaneer and show the world what ye be made of!

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