The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Swelterin' heat be makin' prisoners so blue, they be eyin' Davy Jones's locker!


Arr, on days when the scorchin' heat be reachin' 80°F to 89°F, the incidents o' suicide watch in Louisiana prisons be risin' by 29%! But when the heat index climbs into the wretched 90°F-103°F range, the incidents be raisin' by a mighty 36%! Blimey! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this peculiar tale from the land of Louisiana prisons. It seems that those poor souls be feelin' mighty low on days when the heat be at its peak. According to this here report from Medscape Medical News, suicide watch incidents be 29% higher when the maximum heat index be settlin' between 80°F to 89°F. But hold on to yer tricorn hats, me mates, 'cause it gets even worse! On days when the heat index reaches a scorchin' 90°F to 103°F, those incidents be climbin' up to a whopping 36%!

Now, I be knowin' what ye be thinkin', lads and lasses. How can a bit o' heat be drivin' these poor souls to such despair? Well, it be a mystery fit for Davy Jones' locker, I tell ye. The lads at Medscape Medical News ain't got all the answers, but they be speculatin' that the heat be messin' with their heads, makin' 'em feel more agitated and desperate.

But, me hearties, fear not! There be hope on the horizon. The warden and his crew be takin' this matter seriously. They be plannin' to implement measures to keep those poor souls cool and calm on these scorchin' days. They be thinkin' of air conditionin' and mistin' systems to lower the heat index and, in turn, lessen the risk of suicide watch incidents.

So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all. The power of the sun be mighty, and it be affectin' even the toughest of souls. Keep an eye on yer mates when the heat be risin' and lend a helpin' hand. Together, we can fight this scorchin' menace and keep our spirits high!

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