The Booty Report

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Avast ye! James Gunn claims he be not creatin' a sprightly Superman flick. Settin' the record straight, he be denyin' Henry Cavill's replacement.


Avast ye scurvy dogs! James Gunn hath just spilled more secrets 'bout Superman: Legacy! Yer ears better be perkin' up, fer ye wouldn't want to miss the good ol' Captain Gunn's tales!

Arrr me mateys! Gather 'round while I spill ye some news from the 17th century seas! Aye, it seems that James Gunn, the mighty storyteller of our times, has shared with us scallywags another snippet of information about the grand tale of Superman: Legacy!

Now, ye may wonder, what be this Legacy he speaks of? Well, me hearties, it be a tale of a powerful hero, the Man of Steel himself, in an era long gone. 'Tis a story that takes us back to the days when pirates roamed the seas, plundering and pillaging to their hearts' content. But lo and behold, amidst the chaos, a shipmate with extraordinary abilities emerges!

Gunn, the clever wordsmith, bequeaths us with a single detail, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. He be not a man to reveal all, leaving us yearning for more. But fear not, me scurvy dogs, for this be a humorous journey we embark upon!

Picture it, me hearties! The 17th century pirate lingo sprouting from the lips of the noble Superman himself! 'Tis a sight to behold, indeed. One can only imagine the hilarity that ensues as the Man of Steel tries to navigate the high seas, battling rogue waves and swashbuckling scoundrels.

Oh, the mischief that be in store for our beloved superhero! Will he be donning an eyepatch, or perhaps a tricorn hat atop his noble head? Will he speak in the melodious tones of a pirate, causing all who hear him to burst into hearty laughter? Only time will tell, me buckos!

So, me hearties, keep yer eyes peeled for more tales from the mighty James Gunn. 'Tis a journey we shall embark upon together, through the world of Superman: Legacy, where pirates and superheroes collide in a spectacle fit for the history books! Set sail, me mateys, and let the laughter commence!

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