Arr! A California wench be grievin', claimin' she walked the plank fer fightin' schoolin's dirty ways. Arrr! Devastatin', I tell ye!
Avast ye! A swashbucklin' wench, a mother of three from the mystical land of California, be scuppered from her employ for daring to voice her disdain for a cursed sex-education plan. Aye, 'twas a matter she couldn't abide by, lest she be branded a scallywag!
A California mother of three, Janet Roberson, claims that she was fired from her job for speaking out against the education curriculum at her local school board meeting. She expressed concerns about the district's sexual education curriculum, which she believed taught "gender confusion, not gender clarification." Roberson argued that teaching young children that they could choose their own gender and receive puberty blockers was unacceptable and evil. She also criticized the inclusion of gender identity discussions in math classes, stating that it took away from core learning.After her speech, Roberson received backlash from her community. Letters were sent to her employer and published in local news outlets, branding her as racist, homophobic, and transphobic. In one letter, she was compared to doctors who worked at concentration camps during World War II. Roberson's employer, Compass, notified her that she could no longer do business with them, stating that it was a decision made by her team leader.
Roberson believes that Americans should have the freedom to choose, but when it comes to children and what is taught in public schools, there should be some limits. She has created a website and video to share her story, gaining traction on social media.
The Progressive Democrats of Benicia denied any involvement in Roberson's firing, stating that a letter by one of its members was written under her own name and did not represent the group. Roberson argues that the progressive Democrats are connected to those who have targeted her.
Due to anti-SLAPP laws in California, Roberson is unable to protect herself or pursue legal action against those who have damaged her career. She hopes to inspire other parents to speak up and stand against cancel culture.