The Booty Report

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"Arr, 'Strays' be a bawdy comedy that sets sail with mutts, aye, a rollicking good time!"


"Avast ye, mateys! Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx, in their vocal prowess, lend their voices to a pair o' curvaceous canines on a grand adventure seekin' vengeance in this rib-ticklin' crude tale brought to life!"

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of adventure on the high seas! It be a story like no other, filled with laughter and mischief. Picture this, me mateys - the great Will Ferrell and the mighty Jamie Foxx lend their voices to two cunning canines, embarkin' on a perilous quest for revenge!

Ahoy! This be no ordinary animated tale, me hearties! Nay, this be a crude live-action feature, sure to tickle yer funny bone. Ferrell and Foxx bring these furry scallywags to life, with voices that be as mischievous as a pirate's parrot. Together, they set sail on a grand adventure, filled with laughter and swashbucklin' antics.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what drives these two salty dogs to seek revenge. Well, let me tell ye! It be a tale of treachery and betrayal, me hearties. Our canine heroes have been wronged, and they be settin' out to right that wrong, no matter the cost.

As they journey through treacherous waters, these two four-legged scoundrels encounter a crew of colorful characters. From conniving cats to bumbling buccaneers, their path be filled with danger and hilarity. Each step be bringin' them closer to their ultimate goal - revenge!

But fear not, me hearties, for this be a comedy fit for the whole crew! With Ferrell and Foxx at the helm, ye can rest assured that ye'll be laughin' from start to finish. Their voices be like music to yer ears, bringin' these canine capers to life in a way that'll have ye rollin' in the aisles.

So gather yer crew and set sail for the nearest theater, me hearties! This be a swashbucklin' adventure ye won't want to miss. With two hilarious canines out for revenge, it be a tale that'll have ye laughin' like a jolly ol' pirate!

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