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Arrr! The United States, Japan, and Australia be joinin' forces to conduct military drills in the treacherous South China Sea, mateys!


Arrr! Word be spreadin' that the United States, Australia, and Japan be settin' sail for a merry adventure in the South China Sea, showin' their support for the Philippines! Aye, a jolly good time be ahead, me hearties!

Officials from the Philippines have announced that the United States, Japan, and Australia will be conducting joint military drills in the disputed South China Sea. The purpose of these drills is to display a show of force and emphasize these countries' commitment to the rule of law in the region following recent Chinese aggression. The joint drills will involve three aircraft and helicopter carriers sailing together and undertaking joint exercises. While the Philippines will not be participating in the drills due to logistical limitations, they are open to future participation.
The United States plans to deploy the USS America aircraft carrier, Japan will send its helicopter carrier JS Izumo, and the Royal Australian Navy will send the HMAS Canberra. The joint drill was planned several months ago and reflects the shared concerns of these countries regarding Chinese activities in the South China Sea.
The joint statement released from Camp David by the U.S., Japan, and South Korea condemns the "dangerous and aggressive behavior" of China in the South China Sea and opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the region. The statement emphasizes the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and reaffirms the commitment to international law, including freedom of navigation and overflight.
The drills come in response to a recent incident where Chinese coast guard ships and militia vessels blocked two Philippine navy-chartered civilian boats delivering supplies to Filipino forces stationed at the Second Thomas Shoal. The U.S., Japan, and Australia expressed support for the Philippines and concern over the Chinese action.
China has claimed virtually the entire South China Sea as its own, disregarding the claims of other countries and defying an international ruling. Satellite photos suggest that China is constructing an airstrip on Triton island, a disputed territory also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan.

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