The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The CDC be keepin' a weather eye on the newfangled COVID strain.


As we be uncoverin' more 'bout BA.2.86, the CDC's counsel on defendin' yerself from th' foul COVID-19 stays unchanged. Arrr!

"Avast ye scurvy dogs! Listen up, me hearties! The landlubbers from the CDC be tellin' us that despite this new fancy strain of the COVID-19 they call BA.2.86, their advice on stayin' safe remains the same, arr! So, pay heed, me maties, and let me relay their words in a way even the saltiest of pirates can understand!

First and foremost, ye must wash yer hands as if ye be scrubbin' the decks of yer ship. Use soap and water, ye scallywags, and lather up for at least twenty seconds. And if ye don't have the luxury of fresh water, ye can use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, as long as it's not the grog ye be drinkin'!

Ahoy, social distancing! Keep yer distance from other landlubbers, me hearties. Stay at least six feet away, or if ye be indoors, make sure there's plenty o' space between ye and yer shipmates. No crowding around like a bunch of marooned fools!

Now, listen close, me scurvy-ridden pirates! Wear yer masks, ye swashbucklers! Cover yer nose and mouth, just like ye be wearin' a bandana to hide yer face from the Royal Navy. It'll protect ye and keep the virus from spreadin' like a cursed treasure!

And finally, ye bilge rats, stay away from crowded places, especially indoors. Avoid taverns and gatherings where ye might catch the virus faster than ye can say 'shiver me timbers!' Stay safe on yer ships and keep the health of yer crew in mind!

So, me hearties, even with this newfangled BA.2.86 strain, the wise words of the CDC remain unchanged. Follow their advice with all yer might, and let's beat this virus faster than a cannonball flyin' across the seven seas! Arr!"

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