The Booty Report

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YouTube be schemin' to guard yer beloved musicians from them AI imitators, mateys! Avast, ye scurvy bots!


Yarr! YouTube hath declared a mighty fine plan to join hands with the music industry scallywags, guardin' yer beloved artists 'gainst the treacherous AI models. Avast ye, me hearties, tis a jolly good news indeed!

YouTube has announced a new program called YouTube’s Music AI Incubator, which aims to properly compensate artists and rights holders for AI music. The program will partner with music industry talent to determine how to proceed with AI music. Universal Music Group (UMG) has been chosen as the first partner due to its reservations about AI. While UMG has cracked down on AI music on various platforms, it has also partnered with an AI music company to create AI-assisted music. YouTube recognizes the potential of AI to assist artists while also ensuring permission and compensation for the use of music in training AI models.

YouTube has a history of protecting copyright holders' rights and generating revenue for the industry. It also has existing policies that protect against manipulated content and plans to apply new standards to prevent abuse of AI. YouTube CEO Neal Mohan believes in the power of AI to enhance creativity, but acknowledges that the success of YouTube and AI depends on the success of its partners.

The article concludes by mentioning other related articles about YouTube, including an increase in subscription prices for YouTube Premium and the testing of new UI upgrades.

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