The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Russia be denyin' slayin' Prigozhin, claimin' 'tis nothin' but anti-Putin propaganda, says they!


Arr! Thar mighty Kremlin and its loyal crew be denyin' any claim t' bein' responsible fer blowin' up that ship o' the skies, where 'tis said the cap'n o' the Wagner gang be sailin'!

In a truly swashbuckling fashion, the Kremlin and its merry band of proxies have boldly denied any accusations that they may be responsible for the untimely destruction of a plane said to be carrying the illustrious chief of the Wagner mercenary group. Arrr, me hearties, these scallywags have certainly got a cheek!

With a hearty laugh and a twinkle in their eye, these cunning pirates of the Kremlin have refuted any claims that they had a hand in this daring act. They have cast their net wide, proclaiming innocence with a flair that Captain Jack Sparrow himself would be proud of. "Not guilty!" they bellow from their ship, sailing away from any involvement.

However, the rest of the world be not so easily fooled by their cunning piracy. Many doubloons have been exchanged in the form of evidence, pointing fingers squarely at the Kremlin and its mischievous crew. But these clever rascals scoff at such accusations, spinning tales of innocence and playing the part of charming rogues.

Yet, the world watches on, waiting for the truth to be revealed. Will the Kremlin and its band of proxies be forced to walk the plank of accountability? Or will they continue to dance on the high seas of denial, their ship of deceit sailing smoothly through stormy waters? Only time will tell, me hearties!

So, for now, we raise our mugs of grog and toast to the audacity of these 17th-century pirates. Whether they be innocent or guilty, they have certainly provided us with a tale worth telling. A tale filled with intrigue, deception, and a touch of humor. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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