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Arr, me hearties! Putin's dream o' usin' AI to tighten his grip on info, cut Western tech ties be just wishful thinkin'!


Arrr, matey! Methinks Russia's yearnin' to severely command the knowledge given to and taken by these artificial brainy mateys might just be puttin' a damper on their creation and hinderin' their progress. Avast ye, Russia!

Russia has been striving to establish itself as a leader in artificial intelligence (AI) technology in an effort to reduce its dependence on the West. However, current capabilities suggest that Russia's aspirations remain largely unfulfilled. According to Rebekah Koffler, a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer, Russia has not been able to effectively operationalize AI-enabled combat capabilities or enhance targeting efficiency. While Russia has focused on AI development for years, its progress falls short of its goals compared to major nations like the US and China.
Russia's keen interest in AI progress is evident through President Vladimir Putin's discussions on automated trucks and self-driving taxis. Putin's concern lies in the potential dominance of AI development by the West. Additionally, Russia's control over information remains crucial to Putin's interests, prompting him to try and shape the narrative during the Ukraine invasion.
Experts have raised concerns about AI's ability to spread disinformation, including fabricated images and deepfakes. AI-generated political disinformation has already gone viral online, potentially impacting elections. Russia's strict laws against disinformation could lead to self-censorship among AI model creators in order to avoid sensitive issues.
The Center for a New American Security emphasizes Putin's view of AI as crucial to Russia's future, with technological sovereignty being a priority to break reliance on Western technology. However, Russia's military applications for AI also lag behind its ambitions. The country prioritizes AI in wartime and defense-related decision-making, driven by algorithm-based risk assessment.
In conclusion, while Russia has shown interest in becoming an AI leader, its current capabilities and efforts remain largely aspirational. The country faces challenges in operationalizing AI capabilities and controlling the information narrative. However, Russia continues to prioritize AI development for military applications, although progress in this area is also limited.

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