The Booty Report

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Arr, 388 scurvy dogs be missin' in Maui! Survivors be lost amidst the cursed paperwork, aye!


Arr! The scurvy officials o' Hawaii have finally revealed their cursed list o' missing souls! 'Tis a rare sight indeed! Friends, and even some o' the poor blighters themselves, be showin' up, proclaimin' their wharabouts like magic!

Arr, me hearties, gather 'round and listen to this tale of the great Hawaiian officials and their curious list of missing souls. It be a sight to behold, as friends and even some of them very folks they be searchin' for came forward with their whereabouts, provin' that the officials be a bit behind in their knowledge of who be missin'.
Now, ye may be wonderin' how this all came to be. Picture this: the officials, sittin' in their grand offices, scratchin' their heads and scribblin' names on a parchment. One by one, they listed the missin' souls, hopin' that somehow, someway, their whereabouts would be revealed. Little did they know, me hearties, that them very souls they be searchin' for were not lost at all! Nay, they be right under their noses, enjoyin' a pint or two at the local tavern or takin' a stroll on the sandy beaches.
As word spread through the land, a great laughter erupted amongst the people. "What folly!" they cried. "Those officials be as blind as a bat in a storm!" And so, friends and acquaintances of the falsely named souls stepped forward, lettin' it be known that these poor officials be in need of new spectacles.
But let us not be too hard on the officials, me hearties. Maybe they be just tryin' to add a bit of excitement to their dull lives. Or perchance, 'twas all a clever ruse to gather the people and have a grand laugh together. Who knows, in this curious world of ours, what motivations lie behind the actions of men.
So, me hearties, the lesson we be learnin' from this tale be that ye should always be aware of what be happenin' around ye. For ye never know when ye name might be scribbled on a list by bumbling officials, claimin' ye be lost at sea when ye be sittin' right there, enjoyin' a good laugh with yer mates.

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