The Booty Report

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Avast! After the infernos, the brave Maui Humane Society still be on a grand quest to save pets, and unite 'em with their kin!


Arrr! Avast ye hearties! Upon the calamitous infernos in Hawaii, the Maui Humane Society hath employed the power of the interwebs and the swashbucklin' spirit of the locals to save scurvy landlubber pets and return 'em to their kin.

In the wake of the devastating wildfires that broke out in Maui in early August, efforts have been made to reunite pet owners with their beloved animals. The Maui Humane Society launched a Facebook group called the "Maui Fires Pets Help Group" to assist in this process. Nearly 9,000 people have joined the group since its inception. Members of the group can post about lost or found pets and offer or request assistance. The society has worked with search and rescue teams to rescue pets from the burn zone, and seven cats have already been rescued and brought to safety. However, pet owners and rescue organizations have expressed frustration at being barred from the burn zone. Many fear that their surviving animals are unable to be rescued and returned to them. The Maui Humane Society has received over 1,300 lost pet reports and has reunited about 30% of the rescued animals with their families. In addition to rescuing animals, the society has provided veterinary care, water, food, and hay for animals affected by the fires. They have also transferred 130 pets in need of adoption off the island to make space for rescue animals. The society has distributed pet food and supplies throughout the island and encouraged people to keep their pets with them during this difficult time.

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