The Booty Report

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"Avast ye, me hearties! SIGNAL a triumph in me Physiology-Based Complete Revascularization, or ye walk the plank!"


Arr, this trial be makin' complete revascularization the pirate's code for treatin' MI, says a wise matey. And avast! Advanced age alone should no longer be seen as a scurvy contraindication. Yo ho ho! <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

"Arr, me hearties! Ye scallywags be listenin' closely now, for I have news of the medical kind. Aye, there be a trial, mark me words! And this trial, it be challengin' the way we be treatin' heart attacks, or what they fancy callin' MI. Aye, the experts be sayin' that complete revascularization should be the standard of care for all those poor souls sufferin' from a heart attack. No half-measures, me mateys! No, they be wantin' to fix all the blockages, clear the slate, and let the blood flow true again."

"But that's not all, me hearties! They be sayin' that age alone should no longer be a contraindication for this revascularization. Aye, even if ye be an old salt, a seasoned sailor, ye still deserve a chance to have yer heart made whole again. It's a new age, me lads and lasses, where no one be left behind just because they be gettin' on in years. Arr, it be a grand notion indeed!"

"So, me shipmates, this trial be settin' the course for the future of heart attack treatment. We be sailin' towards a land where all them poor souls be gettin' the care they rightly deserve. No more half-hearted attempts, no more leavin' the old timers to fend for themselves. It be a call to action, a battle cry for complete revascularization as the standard of care. Let the blood flow free, let the hearts beat strong, and may the winds of change blow in our favor!"

"Now, me hearties, spread the word! Let the medical world know that the tides be turnin' in favor of those sufferin' from heart attacks. It be a triumph for all ye salty dogs out there. And remember, when ye be walkin' the plank of life, always strive for complete revascularization, no matter yer age. Arr, it be a pirate's life for me!"

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