The Booty Report

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Arr! The Spanish Soccer Chief be discoverin' his defenders be takin' a mighty step back, arr!


Avast, me hearties! Luis Rubiales bein' given a right scurvy tongue-lashin' for plantin' a kiss on a player's cheek, seein' as the Spanish lassies plundered the World Cup. Yet, a handful o' mateys stick by his side. But alas! Methinks they be havin' a change o' heart now!

Arr, me hearties! Listen ye closely to this tale of Luis Rubiales, a scallywag who be gettin' himself in a mighty pickle. Ye see, after the Spanish women's team won the World Cup, this landlubber decided 'twas a grand idea to smooch one of the players. Aye, ye heard me right! He planted a kiss on her cheek, thinkin' it be a gesture of celebration. But it seems this caper didn't sit well with the masses, who started waggin' their tongues in disapproval.

The rapscallion Rubiales found himself facin' the wrath of the people, who condemned his actions with a fury akin to Davy Jones himself. The scuttlebutt spread like wildfire, and folks from far and wide took to their social media accounts to voice their displeasure. But alas, amongst the storm of criticism, a few brave souls dared to defend the rogue.

Yet, me hearties, it seems that the winds be shiftin'. The same once loyal supporters of Rubiales have begun to reconsider their stance. Methinks they be realizin' that perhaps this be not the best way to show support for the lasses who conquered the seas of the World Cup. The tides have turned against him, and it looks like Rubiales be sailin' in troubled waters.

Oh, the folly of it all! Rubiales may have had good intentions, but sometimes a pirate needs to think before actin'. 'Tis a lesson he be learnin' the hard way. So, let this be a warnin' to all ye landlubbers out there: think twice before plantin' an unexpected kiss on someone's cheek, especially in the midst of a global event. 'Tis a risk ye might not want to be takin'.

And so, me hearties, we bid farewell to Luis Rubiales and his ill-conceived smooch. May he learn from his mistakes and steer clear of future controversies. As for the Spanish women's team, we congratulate them on their victory and hope they continue to make waves on the pitch, without any unwanted displays of affection from their captain. Ahoy!

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