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Arr, a scallywag from Los Angeles be makin' a name for 'erself, teachin' landlubbers how to swashbuckle ol' lass names!


Avast ye! The latest trend in babby names be bringin' back them beloved "old-man" and "old-lady" names, but with a dash o' modern magic, says a scallywag consultant from fair Los Angeles. Discover how ye can give them traditional names a sprightly and one-of-a-kind feel!

If you're an expectant parent looking for a unique baby name, vintage names are apparently back in style. Jenn Ficarra, a baby name consultant and founder of Nom De Bloom, has gone viral after sharing what she called "old-lady" names and giving them cool, modern twists. She attaches this trend to the phrase "vintage maximalism." Ficarra highlights names such as Beatrice, Elizabeth, Theodora, and Philippa, and suggests fun and modern nicknames for them. She believes that these longer names offer a perfect combination of vintage maximalism and fun nicknames. There is a newfound sense of versatility and individualism that comes with old-school, vintage names that people have not fully tapped into until now, she indicated.

Ficarra credits younger millennials and members of Gen Z with this trend, as they appreciate the maximalism and identity qualities that come with traditional names. Pop culture, interior design, economic trends, and fashion trends all influence baby name trends. Shows like "Bridgerton" and fashion trends capturing tradition also contribute to this trend. Ficarra believes that the root of it all can be found in one word: legacy. Names have connotations, especially if attached to certain individuals or prestigious roles. Naming a child with an old-money name may be an attempt to predict their future success.

Ficarra was inspired by another TikToker to explore the nickname capabilities of traditional, old-school names. She believes that the nickname aspect allows people to personalize the traditional name and find their own identity in the "old-lady" monikers. There are no rules when it comes to nicknames, and people are starting to realize that they can play around with names and be more creative. Overall, the vintage name trend is about wanting something bright, bold, and fun while still offering a singular identity and uniqueness.

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