The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr! Avast ye! 'Tis not be over! Late-summer Covid tsunami be warning us of rough seas ahead!


Arr, the scurvy dogs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention be reportin' that the number o' landlubbers settin' foot in the infirmaries be on the rise in recent weeks. Still low, mind ye, but keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ye scallywags! It seems that the number of landlubbers needing a stay at the ol' hospital be seein' a rise in recent weeks, although they still be keepin' it low. Aye, me maties, it be a matter of concern, indeed!

Now, ye might be wonderin' why these landlubbers be findin' themselves in need of the good ol' hospital beds. The answer, me hearties, lies within the treacherous sea of diseases that be sailin' across the lands. The winds of fate be blowin' in the favor of these infectious scoundrels, leadin' to more landlubbers fallin' ill.

But fear not, me hearties, for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention be workin' hard to keep these diseases at bay! They be trackin' and monitorin' the spread of these sneaky scoundrels, makin' sure they don't run rampant like a band of pirates pillagin' a helpless ship.

So, me hearties, let this news serve as a reminder to keep yer guard up and take the necessary precautions to keep yerselves safe from these diseases. Wash yer hands like ye be scrubbin' the deck, keep yer distance from other landlubbers, and wear yer trusty face coverin' like a true swashbucklin' pirate!

Remember, me hearties, we be all in this together! Stay vigilant, stay healthy, and may the winds of good health blow in yer favor!

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