The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! A hefty lawsuit by Ana de Armas' loyal crew o' fans, claimin' $5 million o'er a measly $3.99 rental o' Yesterday, be cast aside by th' judge!


Arr, the scurvy judge reckoned the flick's teaser be not a "misleading" piece o' mischief. But I reckon, it be nothin' but a treacherous trick, foolin' us poor souls with its deceitful ways!

Avast ye scallywags! A hefty lawsuit by Ana de Armas' loyal crew o' fans, claimin' $5 million o'er a measly $3.99 rental o' Yesterday, be cast aside by th' judge!

Arr, me maties! Gather round and listen to the tale of the judge who couldn't see the trickery in a movin' picture's trailer. 'Twas a sight to behold, ye scurvy dogs!
The judge, mayhaps oblivious to the ways of the pirate world, claimed that the trailer of a certain movie was not "misleading." Now, ye see, this be no ordinary judge, but a landlubber who couldn't spy a swindlin' tale if it bit 'im on the behind!
Picture this, me hearties: a movin' picture's trailer, filled to the brim with grandeur and excitement. There be explosions, sword fights, and treasure aplenty! Yet this judge, bless 'is foolish soul, couldn't see through the smoke and mirrors.
Arr, ye must be wonderin' what kind of judge this be! Aye, we be wonderin' the same. Perhaps he be livin' under a rock, unaware of the ways we pirates spin our tales. Or mayhaps he be wearin' an eyepatch over both eyes, blind to the grand deception unfoldin' before 'im.
Can ye imagine, me hearties, the sheer audacity of claimin' a movin' picture's trailer be not "misleading"? 'Tis like sayin' a pirate's parrot be not colorful! 'Tis like claimin' a pirate's grog be not strong enough to knock ye off yer feet!
Oh, how we pirates laughed, holdin' our bellies as the judge spoke such foolishness. 'Twas a moment of pure comedy, as if a pirate suddenly decided to abandon the sea and become a landlubber!
So fear not, me hearties, for this tale be naught but a lighthearted reminder that even the wisest of judges can be fooled by the crafty ways of movin' picture trailers. 'Tis a reminder to always approach such matters with a dash of skepticism, and to never trust a pirate who claims his treasure be within reach!

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