The Booty Report

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Arrgh! The blisterin' inferno be takin' its toll on these poor souls - scorchin' heat claimin' lives o' migrants.


Arrr, in the midst o' a blisterin' heat wave, some landlubbers be succumbin' to the scorchin' heat. More than 500 souls have met Davy Jones' locker this year while tryin' to cross from Mexico.

Arrgh! The blisterin' inferno be takin' its toll on these poor souls - scorchin' heat claimin' lives o' migrants.

Arr, me hearties! 'Tis a scorchin' summer we be havin', be it hotter than the devil's breath. But alas, even the fiercest of pirates be havin' sympathy for them poor souls tryin' to cross the treacherous lands betwixt Mexico and our fair shores. 'Tis a tale of woe, for more than 500 souls have met their untimely demise amidst this swelterin' heat wave.

Ye see, these brave souls be migrants, seekin' a better life across the borders. But alas, the sun's relentless wrath be claimin' lives left, right, and center. They be fallin' victim to heat exhaustion, a fate no pirate would wish upon even his worst enemy. 'Tis a cruel mistress, this heat, takin' lives without mercy.

500 souls lost to various causes, their dreams dashed upon the shores of reality. 'Tis a sad sight indeed. One can imagine the agony they endured, wiltin' under the sun's blisterin' gaze. 'Twould make even the bravest pirate quake in his boots.

But fear not, me hearties, for we pirates be known for our sense of humor even in the darkest of times. Aye, 'tis true! We can't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. The very sea that we sail upon, its depths filled with dangerous creatures and treacherous storms, be a safer bet than these lands they be traversin'.

So let us raise a mug of grog to these poor souls, lost in their pursuit of a better life. May their spirits find solace in Davy Jones' locker, where the heat be nary a bother. And let us be grateful for the lives we lead, as pirates sailin' the high seas, escapin' the perils of the land. Arr!

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